Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Donald Trump

Soooo many of you know I was laid off from my job in August. And no, it wasn't Donald Trump with his perfectly styled hair letting me know I was canned. It was more like, you and 299 of your colleagues (the entire primary care division) need to call this number to learn your fate. It was a shock! I knew a ton of us were going to be let go but in the back of my mind, I thought I was safe. The company had invested in me heavily over the past 2 years with their management development training. I was one of the few considered "ready to promote" so I truly didn't think they would want to lose that investment! I was actually training new hires when the news of lay offs came across voicemail. They sent us all home a few days early.....never a good sign. I felt terrible for the new kids. I have the experience and contacts to easily find another job. These guys don't technically have experience and they quit jobs, moved, and studied their rear ends off for this position. All for a big fat nothing!

Back to me: I sat on my porch while listening to someone read a prepared "speech" explaining the situation and the details of our severance package. It was hard to accept: the company I had been so very loyal to for over 7 years was essentially throwing me away. It was my first and only job after college. But, with that said, I wasn't upset. To be honest, I had been over the job for about a year. Yes, I loved my job and yes, I was really good at it. But I felt like I needed a change of scenery. But being a drug rep comes with golden handcuffs. There's not many other vocations that allow for the flexibility that we have, the benefits, and the pay. So, maybe this was my chance to try something else. The company was very fair in regards to our severance. My plan was to take some time, enjoy my kids, and look for the perfect job. I didn't want to do the same thing and get in the same rut, so I was opposed to a primary care pharma job. I was looking at specialty and/or surgery. I had one promising interview but it didn't pan out. My prayer throughout the process was that I wouldn't be offered a job that isn't right for me. I guess God has answered.

So, I've decided on a BIG change. I will be going to school full-time in January. My hope is that I will complete all of my prerequisites needed and then be accepted into the PA program. I am taking a few classes online, a full load for the spring semester and 1 or 2 summer courses, all at UCO. I will apply to OU's PA program in October of next year and, if accepted, will start the following June. So I have a loooooong road ahead of me. I could use everyone's prayers! I have no clue what it feels like to be a student again. Do I even remember how to study? Can I even make the cut to get into the PA program? Will I throw up in the cadaver lab? Will people call me "mom jeans" behind my back? So many unanswereds! It will be super intense for 5-6 months, a year off, and then super super intense for 30 months. As you can imagine, we will have to make dramatic lifestyle changes and I'm so blessed to have a husband who is up for the challenge. I truly feel that I will be able to give back and serve Christ far more than I ever could in the past. Now it's just up to me to put in the hard work, make it happen and get accepted!


  1. I am so enjoying all your blogs, they make me laugh out loud! I have known for a long time that you are a genious and will kick butt at all you attempt. I am proud of you and look forward to hearing more about the adventure. love, whitters

  2. best of luck!!! happy to help anyway i can! and no, cadaver is fine - i had no problem snacking during breaks!

  3. Good Luck Laneale! You will do great. I too have gone back to school and started a second life, it's hard but it's def worth it. You can do it!
